Mara is completing her MSc in International Management and Leadership and took part in a Business Consultation in Practice project as part of her course, instead of a traditional dissertation. This involved taking on a real client for a project and she chose to work for a local regional tourism board in her native Italy. 

Your Project Brief

Can you tell us more about your BCiP project?

The aim of my business consultancy project was to carry out a study that could support a local Italian tourism board in their implementation of two major improvements: the development of a new logo, following the inclusion of a new area into board and to give it an updated look, and the enhancement of the tourism board’s social network advertising strategies, in order to improve organisational performance and attract more tourists. The study had to provide diverse perspectives and proposals that could provide guidance to the tourism board when implementing the above changes.

My first meeting with the organisation was in October 2019 and I finally delivered the project in July 2020. Unfortunately, due to COVID, we needed to postpone the date of the project delivery.

Your experience of the project

What were your biggest highlights whilst working on the project?

Working on the BCiP project gave me great satisfaction. I learned a lot in many respects and had the chance to work on something that I am highly interested in.

One of the most interesting parts of the project was the opportunity to learn and discover how a company’s logo is developed and that there are a vast number of aspects, study and research behind the process. I found out that I am really interested in this kind of task.

It was also interesting to approach new methods of doing research, like analysis matrixes and structures I had never used before, learning how they work and how useful they are, aware that understanding these methods will be valuable in my future career.

At the same time, collaborating with a regional tourism board was interesting because I had the opportunity to discover a local organisation that works hard and with passion for its region and territory, a small reality but set in an international context since the board cooperates with international companies, organisations and the media.

It was a privilege to be a part of this organisation. Undoubtedly, what made me feel most proud was succeeding in overcoming all the challenges I faced, of which there were many, with the kind support of some amazing tutors, being professional and highly prepared, and in completing the project that I wished to deliver with a satisfying result.

What challenges did you encounter?

One of the main challenges was that the topic of the project was something I had never worked on before, even though it was really interesting to me.

This meant that, before starting to work on the project, I had to study a lot and analyse in-depth the process of logo research and development as well as to deepen my knowledge of how social media works for the tourism industry.

Another challenge was due to COVID, like many. For me, the long lockdown meant a significant reconsideration of my project. Due to the pandemic some changes had happened within the tourism board, and some were about to happen as things developed, so I needed to adjust my project plan.

I also had to find new ways to communicate with the organisation contact person, since the lockdown limited the traditional methods, and I had to find new solutions that would allow me to avoid poor communication and misunderstandings, in order to be able to update them on my project status and progress and to receive essential feedback.

I had also never used certain analysis matrices and structures, so I had to study and analyse them in-depth in order to be able to use them at the best.

What do you feel you learned most from this project personally and professionally?

On the one hand, the project allowed me to deepen and develop specific skills and knowledge, for example, I deepened my analysis and research skills and developed new ones specifically related to the discipline of logo development and strategic thinking in relation to social media marketing.

On the other, the project also gave me the possibility to acquire and improve a range of other skills and abilities, such as communication and interpersonal skills, adaptability, problem-solving, risk management, teamwork, reflective practice, perseverance, confidence-building and responsibility.

The project pushed me to challenge myself and push beyond barriers to find strategies to overcome issues, and this gave me the opportunity to gain new competencies and to better understand what I am able to achieve.

What support did you have on the project?

My contact person at the tourism board was really helpful by giving me all the material I needed in order to do all my research and by making themselves available every time I needed to set up a meeting.

There were also some really helpful tutors at the University that supported me greatly when I had challenges with certain analysis and research methods. They guided and advised me during that path.

Next steps for you…

Has working on this project helped you decide on a future career?

Through working on the project with the challenges that I had to face, I realised that I am able to turn a challenge into a success. I also ended up with a better understanding of myself, my skills and my potential. The BCiP experience also made me aware of what my areas of interest are and that I hope will become part of my future career.

I had never worked on marketing projects before, and this BCiP has piqued my interest in going into the marketing field. I am motivated to discover and learn more about it.

Furthermore, I’ve now just completed a micro-credential marketing course in order to keep improving my knowledge and skills in this area and to be able to better fulfil my career aspirations.

The project made clear to me that I feel comfortable and confident working in an international context and that communication and interpersonal skills are some of my best competencies so that they should be part of any future job. I feel able and ready to take on more responsibility and authority, to perform more complex tasks and to face new challenges.

What advice would you share with anyone thinking about applying for this PG course?

To anyone thinking about applying for this course, I would say that to succeed it is fundamental to study and work hard, but also to constantly deepen and improve your knowledge and skills.

There will probably be challenges and it is important to never give up but to always find a way to overcome the obstacles. Your tutors will gladly be of help and provide advice and support. Be perseverant and always focused on your path and goal and you will certainly succeed!

"I feel able and ready to take on more responsibility and authority, to perform more complex tasks and to face new challenges."
Mara Cresta