Academic collaboration policy - principles

General principles

2.1ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý ÄÛÒ¶²Ý may engage in academic collaboration with other institutions and bodies, both within the UK and overseas. Such collaboration will normally lead to an award of the University.

2.2 ÌýÌý Ultimate responsibility for the quality and standards of any programme offered in the name of ÄÛÒ¶²Ý lies with the Senate of the University. Proposals for collaborative programmes must therefore undergo the standard validation process in order to obtain the approval of Senate.

2.3 ÌýÌý This section is concerned with the arrangements entered into by ÄÛÒ¶²Ý with partner institutions that involve:

  • The award of a qualification in the name of ÄÛÒ¶²Ý;
  • The provision by a partner of all or part of a programme of study leading to a ÄÛÒ¶²Ý award;
  • Collaboration with a local support centre for a programme of study leading to an award of ÄÛÒ¶²Ý;
  • Direct entry or entry with advanced standing of students to ÄÛÒ¶²Ý by virtue of their satisfactory progress in approved programmes in a partner institution.

2.4 ÌýÌý It is recognised that staff of the University may enter into a range of collaborative arrangements that do not lead to awards of ÄÛÒ¶²Ý. This might include teaching on a programme delivered by a partner, or the delivery of a consultancy service. Such arrangements are not within the scope of this section, but approval in principle must be sought from the Dean of School. Staff are advised to consult the University Secretary for further advice and assistance. Specific procedures for the approval of collaborative short programmes are set out in Section 13

2.5 ÌýÌý These regulations have been developed to ensure that the quality and standards of awards offered in the name of ÄÛÒ¶²Ý under such collaborative agreements are equivalent to those of comparable awards offered by the University and are compatible with any relevant benchmarks recognised in the UK including the and the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework.

2.6 Ìý No binding collaborative links involving the provision of a programme or part of a Ìýprogramme, leading to an award of ÄÛÒ¶²Ý may be established, or constitute part of ÄÛÒ¶²Ý’s provision, without the full prior knowledge and agreement of the Academic Planning Board.

2.7 Ìý ÌýÌý Failure to guarantee the quality and standards of the provision offered in ÄÛÒ¶²Ý’s name will serve not only to harm its reputation, but will do a lasting disservice to the University’s graduates at home and overseas.
